Featured Members, Positive Living Newsletter

New Member: Nelson Kung

Nelson Kung
Nelson Kung, DMin

My Professional Background

I began my career as a training manager and consultant, eventually venturing into the fast-food industry as a store owner. A pivotal moment in my journey came when I met Dr. Brian Stiller, the World Evangelical Alliance Ambassador, who opened doors for me at World Relief Canada and Tyndale Seminary. This connection led to my role as Director of Outreach, where I focused on fundraising and building strategic partnerships.

Following a call to serve, I transitioned to the role of Lead Pastor at First Chinese Baptist Church in San Francisco. This position allowed me to lead a vibrant congregation, providing spiritual guidance and support to the community.

I later served as Associate Pastor at Bayview Glen Church in Toronto. This experience provided an opportunity to collaborate with a diverse group of individuals, contributing to the church’s mission and growth. My work involved developing programs and initiatives that supported the church’s vision and expanded its reach within the community.

Driven by a desire to make a broader impact, I founded Fuller Life Church in Toronto. This new endeavour created a welcoming and inclusive space for individuals seeking spiritual growth and connection. Simultaneously, I served as an adjunct professor of Leadership and Theology at Canada Christian University-College and Theological Graduate Studies. For 14 years, I shared my expertise, shaping the minds of future leaders and contributing to their academic and spiritual development.

In 2016, I sought to enhance my training, speaking, and coaching skills further. I became a Maxwell-Certified independent speaker, trainer, and coach, specializing in leadership development. Additionally, I obtained certification as a DISC Behavioral Analysis Consultant and Trainer, equipping individuals with tools to understand and improve their interpersonal dynamics. I also became a licensed MBTI practitioner, helping individuals and teams enhance their personal and professional relationships.

My commitment to elevating leadership practices led me to serve as the Executive Director of the John Maxwell Leadership Enterprise. In this capacity, I endeavour to foster a culture of excellence, empowering leaders to maximize their potential and achieve extraordinary success. Implementing the proven Maxwell Methods of Leadership, speaking, training, and consulting, I help individuals and organizations cultivate their passion for growth and development.

My Friendship with Dr. Paul Wong

I first heard of Dr. Paul Wong during my time at Tyndale University and Theological Seminary. Despite our proximity, we never had the chance to engage in meaningful conversations. It was only until recently, through attending my daughter’s church—which Paul and Lillian also attend—that our paths crossed again. Paul was a founder of the mother church that birthed this current congregation, and our frequent interactions during and after church services have allowed us to develop a genuine friendship.

Our bond has grown quickly, thanks to our open, vulnerable, and transparent conversations. The warm hospitality and graciousness of Paul and Lillian have significantly contributed to the rapid growth of our relationship.

My Delight in Joining INPM

Upon Paul and Lillian’s invitation to join INPM, and after prayerful consideration, I am excited and grateful to become part of such a prestigious organization. I am committed to making meaningful contributions to INPM, leveraging my professional experience and passion for personal meaning to support the organization’s mission. I look forward to collaborating with the esteemed board members and contributing to the success of INPM.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to work with all members of INPM and advance our collective goals.